I Have a Card!

Hello there!! It’s been to long since I last gave you all a post, whoever ‘you all’ is. I probably should have written a post when I got my results, I did try but I couldn’t get any sort of flow and I only put the ones I’m happy with up on here. Before I forget this is the card I have got.

 Yes that is actually me looking very serious, it is after all a serious card. A few question arising from that photo. and here are my answers…
Why the heck are you wearing those glasses…wait do those even have lenses in?
Those my friends are the 3D (do I hear an ‘oooooo’) glasses I saw ‘Glee 3D in. Today I found them and put them on as a joke, I just forgot to take them off when I took the photo. No they don’t have any lenses so they are frames…I poked them out because, I don’t know I just sort of did okay?

              Where are you and why is it such a huge mess? 

I’m in my back room where basically we put all the stuff that hasn’t been ironed or we don’t use anymore. There’s a few old computer screens and a toaster actually so if I fancied some emergency toast and lost the ability to walk to the kitchen I could get an old toaster that is perfectly functional and get toasting. 

              Fine I’ll ask, what the heck is the card all about?

The card is for my results! Basically a few days ago I walked to my school, which has been mistaken for buckingham palace apart from the fact it is completely different and a few hundred miles away from London. Where I signed my name and got given an envelope, which is kind of ominous. Inside this ominous envelope are several pieces of paper, which make it hugely confusing trying to find your actual results. I spent about twenty minutes looking at these pieces of paper thinking…’what the pope’s bottom are my results?’

Turns out! My results were pretty good, I got an A* in english literature an A in religous studies and the rest were B’s and C’s. Which I was over the moon with! Mental note is it even possible to physically BE over the moon?

Hopefully armed with these results as I’m already into college universities will sit down and think to themselves ‘Yes this guy is rather good lets give him a place! Hazzaaah!’ although I’m pretty sure university lecturers don’t actually say Hazzaaah. If they do That is Brilliant I’ll have something to laugh at in two years time.

So tell me people! How were your results? happy with them sad about them or if you haven’t had any yet are you nervous about getting them?


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